This page contains resource documents that will help you in developing and managing your neighborhood association.

  • CNAPP Information will provide the links to the CNAPP bylaws and the final agenda and minutes for previous CNAPP meetings.  Click Here 


  • Neighborhood Contacts & Maps will contain boundary files for selected areas within the City of Pensacola.  Click Here
    • Geographic Information System (GIS) is the City of Pensacola’s GIS system and will allow you to input your neighborhood, the GIS system will then give you a graphical representation of your neighborhood boundaries.
    • Neighborhood Listing contains the points of contact for all Neighborhood Associations and Home Owner Associations registered with the City of Pensacola.


  • Guidelines & Insights for Organizing Neighborhoods will provide lessons learned from established Neighborhood Associations.  Click Here
    • Sample Articles of Incorporation will provide sample documents and templates which will assist in the establishment of a Nonprofit.
    • Sample Bylaws will provide a template that can be used to setup a new Neighborhood Association.